Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7


If you’re one of the millions of people who bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, you’re walking around with a ticking time bomb in your pocket. Your amazing, super smartphone has a faulty battery pack that can spontaneously combust in a flash of smoke, searing heat, smashed glass, and bending metal. Your Note 7 could explode in your hands while you check Facebook, against your face during a phone call, or next to your bed while you sleep at night.
That’s pretty terrifying.

You’re probably wondering where or how you should sign up to return your Note 7 or get a refund. Well, don’t ask Samsung. Although Samsung did issue a recall, it has been poorly organized, terribly communicated, and even more disastrously executed.Samsung finally called for an end to Note 7 sales and permanently halted production on October 10 — one month and 10 days after the first reports of exploding devices. Why did it take 40 days for Samsung to take the drastic measures required to protect its customers?

A long string of failures

At first, Samsung called on all Note 7 owners to return their phones immediately, but failed to offer much guidance on how to do so or what to do while you waited for a replacement Note 7, which might never arrive. U.S. carriers like Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, and T-Mobile stepped in to offer Note 7 buyers the option to replace their Note 7 phones with a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge. Some even offered full refunds or exchanges for devices around the same price point. However, each carrier offered different options, so customers got a different story from everyone they talked to. Samsung wasn’t much more helpful, and the best you could do was a phone call to customer support.
post by- Balraj Singh Sidhu

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